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fixed in next version ;)

Guess it‘s time to rework all those early dialogues! I promise it got better in later content :)

(1 edit)

haha i couldnt resist this one , because it is exactly where you asked for feedback lol..
its really not bad at all. 
i've seen a few typos, but nothing bad enough to bother me :)

(1 edit)

i'm not understanding this though.. i didn't have any hunger/stamina penalties applied, in fact, i had an item bonus.. why don't i get the full value of my charm level? 

Hard is value 1/2 extreme is value 1/5

(1 edit)

ah, understood.
now im having a bit of a weird issue this time..
my saves have gone all screwy.. the thumbnails are for the correct part of the game where i saved, but when i load them, they all go to this one bit where i was talking to Amanda, and then the thumbnail changes to that also.. I've lost a whole lot of gameplay (mostly grinding, a good few hours worth).. 
i cant really say much more than that about it .. i really dont know what happened, and while im not an expert, im not new to AVNs or renpy

(1 edit)

That’s really strange…

Is it only the quicksaves? First screen shows you in the saving menu, you didn’t overwrite, correct?

Playing on windows or joiplay or other emulator?

I never touched anything in the Renpy Standard Game files, so my ability to help may be limited!

Can you reproduce the bug?


What is the password that we have to unscramble?

It is revealed if you fail a few times :)

when will the game come out on Android

Not bad for 0.6, there's a few days' worth of playtime. Could be a bit less grindy though. And I really don't get why there are repeated scenes with the side girls, but not with the story ones. So you build your relationships and go through a lot with them only to leave them to themselves and keep seeking random girls for fun. Maybe I'm missing something, playing on JOIPLAY, but it just doesn't feel right.

There will be certainly more with the main girls!

After 0.7 I will start filling out the world more.

The side girls are neat to add a baseline to random encounters, for example the voyeur and sauna events have the side girls + extra scenes with the main girls depending on progress.

This plus additional actions (like train option with Sophie and Jenny) will also be added to every girl eventually.

Due to work I can’t spend as much time as I would love to on the game, but I won’t disregard any early content and revisited and improve eventually 

(1 edit)

Is there 7 out of 8 girls that can be leveled? If there is eight, who is next to Abigail?

i love the game just one thing i never got over... kate's pose with her hands up that looks way too unnatural its kinda disgusting. to me it just looks way to forced for a happy pose.


I agree, she was the first set of sprites I made :)

I kept it for now, but all the early sprites will be rethought at some point :)

Cool thanks

This is all I keep getting since the new update. I have re-downloaded it a couple times, hoping what I downloaded was corrupted, but I still get this error.


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 208, in script call

    call _gl_test

  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 387, in script

    $ __gl_test()

  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 208, in script call

    call _gl_test

  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 387, in script

    $ __gl_test()

  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 387, in <module>

    $ __gl_test()

  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 317, in _m1_00gltest__gl_test


  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 342, in _gl_performance_test

    ui.interact(suppress_underlay=True, suppress_overlay=True)

Exception: Shader (u'renpy.geometry', 'renpy.solid') has not been given mesh attribute aPosition.

do i need to start over with each new version ?


no, everything should work as is!

If your save files aren‘t found, check renpy‘s default save locations, and if needed paste into the saves folder of the game.

(2 edits) (-1)

Like the game so far 🙂 love the skill system 🙂 would be nice if the lewd was animated but it no biggy... Nerd store every time exception has occured same with a few of the mall dates.. ive finished everything except those... its probably because im using joiplay on android but figured i would let you know... 

(1 edit)

Yep, don't think that one is from me!

For some reason, musicstore and nerdstore are jpg instead of png...

I already finished 0.6, but I can convert them for 0.7, maybe that will resolve the issue for you via joiplay!

Curious if you have the same problem with the musicstore...

Thanks for the reply... looking forward to playing 0.6... ya maria date at the mall when trying to go to the music store does the same exception... played thru on my laptop and windows tablet as well with no crashes so its definately just androids joiplay that has the problem hahaha thanks for keeping us joiplay users in mind 🙂 

Hey, just wanted to say great game! Also I found a bug and I have a suggestion.

When you "sneak a peek" in the dorm locker room, the dialogue uses the default player name "chad" instead of the actual player name.

Also I have found a lack of satisfaction that a full day of sleep only refills 50 stamina. I think the ratio of stamina consumption to stamina regain is really good, but it just feels dissatisfying to only refill half my energy after sleeping through a whole day. I am probably just being a bit picky though.

Keep up the great work!

some of that already fixed in the next version :) But thank you for pointing it out, Im always miss stuff like that!

Sleep is intended to will be upgradeable, like buying a better bed ect, so I cant restore full yet :)

Hi, got a question:

is this game has animated adult scene

no, but 110 non animated ones ;)

How do I train with Jenny for her Relaxation side quest?

talk to her when she is at the gym

The word "Trenched"  is used where I think the word "drenched" should be used. 

When girls call out to you (happened with both jenny and kate) and they extend the name they use the default name; "Chaaaaaad"  

I think it's just a standard glitch but some times instead of giving satisfaction it will instead write something like "you gained (insertplayersatisfaction1) "

The scenes where kate feeds you steak should restore hunger

the word "save" is used where "safe" or "saved" would be more applicable

those are the big ones but there are small ones, the wrong "than" some misspelled words, but since it's easy to understand it doesn't really retract at all from the game.  all in all it's a great game I'd highly recommend .

can you pinpoint where specifically you got the player satisfaction bug, that one shouldnt happen, but i need where its from to investigate :)

Language stuff added to my pile thank you!

if you have the variable name inside the brackets it would make this very easy to fix!

Do you know if you were rewarded the satisfaction?

After you buy the expensive steak and do the do with Kate is the first time I experienced something like that, but it happened two other times, but not exactly the same thing.

  I wouldn't know I was almost always maxed out on satisfaction during my play-through.

too bad :)

I will take a look

Great game, played through every route with every girl, my only critique is that you have no way to replay scenes that I could find in the game for most girls. Once you see it once, it's done. Like you reworked a bunch of Jenny scenes, but unless I want to restart the entire game, I have no way of seeing them. 


dont replay them yet, 0.6 has the replaymode ;)

When is 0.6 coming?? :))) Loved the game btw! I loved the amount of content in the game, but will the existing lewd scenes be updated/re-worked in the future? I feel like the text didn't match the frames as well as they could, and there could be a lot more frames/animations added to enhance the scenes. I seriously can't wait for more though, good job!

im gradually reworking the oldest scenes, but it is going to take a while :)

Next patch will be somewhere in the first weeks of july depending if I have my PC available or not 😊

awesome, looking forward to it!

Will there be a mac version?

No time/resources to test, and I won’t release something untested.

Maybe for the v1.0 release whenever that might be :)

Love this game but im missing the 3rd girl on top row. how do i start her?

That should be Alex, You need Gentlemen Lounge LVL 3 (Jenny Route Unlock)

the girl for bookstore?

No, Alex is connected to the stripclub,

Jenny is the detective

ok now i get it.

also ive play through it but never got the Lounge?

there is a quest line attached, look into the workplace overview it should be there if you visited it once after the Jenny quest

If it’s there, there should be a hint text, if not, visit the actual place.

If even that doesn’t work, look for Kate or at the lecture hall if an event pops up

(2 edits)

Looking good so far. The only things I had to do at the start was get rid of all the nasty swear words and change them to nicer words. Sorry, but I am really not a fan of swearing. Never seen the point. It spoils the game for me. Not too keen on the backgrounds, either (looks like they were done in MS paint,) even though in the photos here some of the backgrounds look really good. Bit of a mixture I guess. Also, I had to completely disabled the skip feature as I really do hate that feature. But, sppsrt from that, it's the story really that counts in the game and so far so good. Really enjoying it.  Met Chris, Jenny and Kate and gone into my office for the first time. Hope it continues this way. 


thank you for the feedback :)

I will try to reduce the number of swearwords, I see your point!

Backgrounds are this way because it lets me blend renders with real world images, guess it is a matter of taste :)

Thanks for the reply. Fair enough about the renders, and, yes, I guess it is a matter of taste. I just been spoilt with games that have almost photographic quality renders. As for the swear words, again, personal preference.

I'm unable to open the game. I've tried multiple times, as well as reunzipping the file only for me to get the following message:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

Compiling ATL code at renpy/common/00touchkeyboard.rpy:90

Exception: ATL Property <type 'property'> is unknown at runtime.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "D:\Games P\renpy\", line 316, in bootstrap


  File "D:\Games P\renpy\", line 519, in main


  File "D:\Games P\renpy\", line 231, in compile_all


  File "D:\Games P\renpy\", line 489, in compile

    block = self.atl.compile(self.context)

  File "D:\Games P\renpy\", line 684, in compile

    statements = [ i.compile(ctx) for i in self.statements ]

  File "D:\Games P\renpy\", line 930, in compile

    raise Exception("ATL Property %s is unknown at runtime." % property)

Exception: ATL Property <type 'property'> is unknown at runtime.



COED Conquest 0.4

Did you have a problem like this with other renpy games before?

The error seemed to have ocurred inside the engine with code I have not changed in any way

I don't believe so, but I'll check. Any idea how to work around the issue if it persists

I can't even find that file..

Not making much sense of that exception

Have you installed the game with the app?

If not you could try that

I haven't, just the normal unzip, I'll try to figure out how to do that. Thanks for taking the time to try and help me. 

That worked! Thanks, I'll be honest. I didn't even know about that app, so that's really handy! I'm looking forward to trying out your game.

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